Monday 8 June 2015

The PINK among the blues: The pink viagra

So i woke up today with one eye trying to get a glance at Farez to see if he is awake and the other eye still trying to catch another few minutes of sleep...
Matin was still sleeping making that cute little sucking noise
It was 10am,it was cold and the weather was just perfect..
I was like a little cocoon.. tucked inside my white puffy comforter until....
Farez woke up and said.. "Sayang..i baca semalam ada Viagra untuk wanita"
OK..thats it! i woke up anddd he was DEFINITELY awake
"Apehal dia ni... oh no! Is it a hint?"
That came through my mind. So, i asked him..
"So u nak i buat apa?" and i laughed". He laughed and replied "Takde apa la..saja je cakap. The pill recently got its approval from FDA. Kawan i ckp untuk pondan kot"
Who says im random...he can be twice as random!!
What theeeee... i obviously laughed like crazy almost half dead! hahahahaha
and i replied to him.. "well, pondan boleh amik Viagra biasa je kot. No need for women"
He kept silent and then laughed. Well i guess, i made sense?
The conversation stopped.
Yes...this is how we communicate. Mostly important topics such as viagra for women, Gay cats, darkened just name it. Our arguments can go on for hours.
Now, i shall not bore you any further with my romantic marriage.
We are talking women viagra here.
I was so curious to know how this pill works.
Sheeesh! not for me to consume of course...! but im just curious
(well, why am i being so defensive all of a sudden) hahaha
For men, its pretty straight forward.
clock strikes 12 and itssss timeeeee tooooooo eokkkkk
but how does it work for us?
So i did some googling and here's some information i gathered

Source: Google

#1 : The pink viagra

To match the blue viagra pill that is meant for men they colored this pill pink.
Oh!! how sweet......

#2: For Pre-menopause women

This pill is to be consume every night by pre-menopause women that has sexual hypoactive problem. This problem causes low sexual desire which affects 7% of women.
Maybe when it is time..we may not think this is funny anymore huh?

#3: Studies confirmed it

Of 202 women tested, 42 % reported an increased satisfaction. Their ability to have an orgasm increased significantly. Still does not explain how it works!

 #4: Public confession!

One of the first women to admit publicly that she had tried Viagra (the blue one, not the pink) was Kim Cattrall, star of Sex And The City.

#5: How it works

Viagra works by increasing the effects of nitric oxide, a chemical in the body which controls the flow of blood to the genitals. An increase in blood flow makes sexual arousal, intercourse and orgasm easier to achieve.

I was hoping to find some visual images to explain how the pill works for us women but found none.
Well,seriously! wouldn't that be interesting?
Oh well, at least we have learned something new today. Dont you agree?
P/s : I am not in any way promoting pink viagra. This is just an educational read haha
If you want to learn more, you can visit this page:


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